We will reach our full potential with the help of God
We believe great science happens when:
- We take part in practical activities to help us in our learning
- We are excited and engaged in our learning
- We have lots of equipment so that we can be hands on
- We ask our own questions and lead our learning
- We are curious about the world around us
- Our science experiences are relevant to our lives
- We work together to learn new things
- We learn inside and outside the classroom
- We have fun!
By doing all of the above in our science lessons, we are excited and curious scientists who question the world around us.
Through scientific enquiry, we aim for children to develop the skills needed to help them seek answers to their own and others’ questions about the world.
At St Andrew's there is a 2 year rolling programme that takes account of the children being taught in mixed age classes in Key Stage 1 (Years 1 & 2) and Key Stage 2 (Years 3 & 4).
Sept 2023 to July 2024 is Year B; Sept 2024 to July 2025 will be Year A
science subject overview page.pdf