We will reach our full potential with the help of God
St Andrew's is an inclusive school and welcomes children with special educational needs.
Our School SENCo is Miss Stanier. You can contact her via her email address: senco@st-andrewscofe.worcs.sch.uk Her designated SENCO days are Thursdays and Fridays. If you have an urgent enquiry please contact the office either by phone or email.
We follow the graduated response; Assess, Plan, Do, Review. More information on this can be found via the link below.
Miss Stanier's latest SEND newsletter
Special Educational Needs Newsletter December
Useful links
Free Autism parent workshops
Speech and Language information
Dyslexia advice and ideas to support at home. Workshops also available in Bromsgrove. |
Hereford and Worcestershire special educational needs-and-disabilities-send/information support you while you are waiting |
Free confidential for advice parents, carers, children and young people with SEND. SENDIASS linkHelpline: 01905 768153 (24 hour answer service) |
For more information on the interventions that we run in school please click the link below to find out more.
Intervention Information Letter
Ofsted comments from November 2024:
"Pupils with SEND are very well supported. The school swiftly identifies any pupils who may need extra help. All staff know pupils with SEND and their needs very well. Pupils receive bespoke support, including in lessons and through targeted interventions. As a result, they overcome barriers to learning and achieve well."
All of our SEND policies can be found on our policies page.