St Andrew's CE First School

Life at St Andrew's CE First School Life at St Andrew's CE First School Life at St Andrew's CE First School Life at St Andrew's CE First School Life at St Andrew's CE First School Life at St Andrew's CE First School Life at St Andrew's CE First School Life at St Andrew's CE First School

We will reach our full potential with the help of God

Governor Vacancy

We are delighted you are considering becoming a Governor. 

Governor Job Description

Why be a governor?

Governor Application Form

 We are particularly looking for people with experience in Finance or Health & Safety issues.

DEADLINE IS 8th April 2024

Please return application forms to the clerk       


If you have any queries not answered below please email the Clerk via

How much time is involved?

Over a year between 34-50 hours which works out 3-4 hours per month. There are 4 Full Governing Body meetings per academic year - scheduled for 7-9pm on Weds evenings (17 April, 3rd July). Each meeting requires 2-3 hours of preparation time (to read the agenda, reports and think.) You will receive the agenda and paperwork 7 days before the meeting.We would also encourage you to join 1 committee - 1 meeting per term, so 1-2 hours of prep and 1.5 hours for the meetings. Committee meetings are well planned out in the run up to Full Governing Body meetings.  Monitoring visits in school are held every term and we'd hope you'd be able to make 1 or 2 of those for 1.5 hours.Training - 10-12 hours of training overall in your first year at a time to suit you and c4 hours in future years to keep up to date.

Will I be given support/training?

Yes. There is a fully worked out Induction Programme and each new Governor is given a mentor or buddy to be at their side for the first few meetings.We encourage governors to attend meetings, ask questions, read "Welcome to Governance" and when they are familiar with St Andrew's to send them on Governance training courses after 6 to 12 months.

I don't have any specialist knowledge - does that matter?

NO! The Governing Body welcomes fresh pairs or eyes, to ask the intelligently naive questions, to stop us from just doing what we've always done and to keep the board on its toes. Your newness will be valued. Equally the most important thing is that you have the outcomes for the children in mind. To want the very best for them. 

What happens in a meeting?

The governing body uses "objective led" agendas. This means nothing goes on the agenda without an explanation of why it's there and what is expected from you as Governor eg reading for awareness or deciding on your opinion.  We don't have AOB - so meetings are well planned and finish on time. Governors come to meetings prepared to discuss and ask questions and hold the head to account. (There is no turgid reading of reports!). Paperwork accompanying the agenda is sent out 7 days before the meeting.

Do I need to be Christian? 

No. However, we do require you to support St Andrew's Christian ethos - all decisions are made with the Christian ethos as our guiding principle. It is not a requirement for any of the Governors to be Christian/have faith (except the Vicar!). 

Are you inclusive?

 We work very hard to be an inclusive governing body. We're very conscious that our current make up is not very diverse and we do our best to ensure decisions are being made that benefit everyone. But we'd welcome applications from anyone of any faith/non faith/ educational status/ age (albeit over 18), gender, disability and ethnic origin. If you need extra support it will be given. Inclusivity and serving the needs of the school is our aim.