We will reach our full potential with the help of God
2026-2027 Admissions Process
Applications open 1 September 2025 Applications Close TBC Mid January 2026
Open Day: Saturday 15 November - bookings can be made after half-term from Mon 2nd Nov
School Offers Made to Parents mid April 2026
Closing Date for Accepting Places TBC End April 2026
Appeals Deadline TBC Mid May 2026 (to be heard before end of summer term)
St Andrew's informed by LA of the list of pupils starting in September By Late May 2026
Welcome Packs sent out June 2026
Transition Sessions Early July 2026
Start School TBC September 2026 NB Children will have a later start and do half days to start with.
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Admissions Policy 2026 to 2027
The 2026/27 Admissions Policy was ratified at a Full Governing Board (FGB2) meeting on 08.01.2025.
Please note that the faith-based oversubscription criteria is no longer part of the Admissions Policy and a separate St Andrew's Supplementary Information Form is NOT required.
Appeals for September 2025 (after offers made)
Whilst we would be delighted to accept all applicants for a place at St Andrew's, current infant class size legislation requires that we can only take 45 pupils in our Reception cohort. In order to ensure fairness to all, we set a table of criteria, broken down into several categories clearly listed in the 2025-26 Admissions Policy.
If our Reception classes are over-subscribed, then we carefully place the applicants into their correct category.
You may also wish to place your child on the waiting list for the Reception class; if you wish us to do so, please inform the school in writing once places have been offered as well as putting in an appeal.
Should you wish to refer this matter to a full appeal then it is your right to do so; however please be aware that the rules set down have been correctly followed by the Admissions Committee and the Governors will therefore defend any appeal that is instigated. Your appeal should clearly detail why you believe the policy categories have not been followed.
It is worth noting that if the Panel accepts that admission of an additional child would breach the infant class size legislation, the Panel will then only allow an appeal if satisfied that our published criteria are unlawful or had not been properly followed for your child (and that he/she would otherwise have been offered a place), or that we have acted unreasonably.
If you wish to appeal, please complete and return the form below by TBC Mid May and we will arrange for an Independent Appeals Panel to be convened to hear your appeal. Appeals received by this date will be held in June/July but by17 July 2024 at the latest.
Please note that you can appeal after the TBC Mid May 2025 but we cannot then guarantee that your appeal will be heard before the start of the new school year. Appeals are not heard in school holidays.
Appeal Timetable TBC by the Diocese
Appeals Form Return to Governors@st-andrewscofe.worcs.sch.uk by mid May 2025