We will reach our full potential with the help of God
Development Priorities:
What is the sports premium grant being used for at St Andrew's?
- To increase the engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity (including Pupil Premium and potential More Able pupils).
- To increase the profile of PE and sport across the school and using it as a tool for whole school improvement.
- To increase confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport ensuring effective monitoring impact of actions.
- To broaden the experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils and increase participation in competitive sport.
- To inspire pupils to lead healthier lifestyles.
- To ensure all improvements are sustainable.
Quality Assurance:
What systems are in place to ensure value for money and the involvement of the school leadership team, including the Governing Body, in overseeing the effectiveness of the projects?
- Regular update meetings between PE Subject leader and Head teacher.
- Feedback from staff detailing the effectiveness and impact of provision.
- Annual report to Governors including updates as requested.
Measuring the Impact
Sports Premium Evidencing Impact 23/24
Evidencing Impact 2022-2023 Final