St Andrew's CE First School

Role of the Governing Body

The role of the Governing Body is to provide strategic leadership and accountability in schools. It has three key functions:

  • ensuring that the vision, ethos and strategic direction of the school are clearly defined
  • ensuring that the headteacher performs their responsibilities for the educational performance of the school
  • ensuring the sound, proper and effective use of the school’s financial resources
  • What do Governors do?

How St Andrew's Governors fulfill their role

 The Board have 4 main meetings per year with clear aims and objectives for each meeting and also delegate some responsibilities to 5 smaller committees who meet at least every term.

All Meeting Dates 2024/25

Governor Job Description  

Full Governing Body Meetings (Chaired by Steph Timmis)

Finance Committee (Chaired by Julia Powell)

Personnel & Pay Committee (Chaired by Steph Timmis)

Curriculum & Standards Committee (Chair Rev Andy Hobbs)

Health & Safety and Sites & Buildings and Safeguarding Committee (Chaired by Steve Bond)

Admissions Committee (Chaired by Olivia Pardo Roques)

There are also Link Governor roles where governors take on a specific area. The Governing Body retains overall responsibility but they keep abreast of developments and concerns in these particular areas and report back to the board.

Governors agree to follow the Code of Conduct

Anti-bullying CLA EYFS Finance
Health & Safety Pupil Premium Safeguarding SEND and Inclusion
Sports Premium Standards



Who are the Governors of St Andrew's?

 There are 13 Governors at St Andrew's with a wide range of skills, abilities, interests and backgrounds 

Type of Governor Name From To
Foundation DBE Steph Timmis CHAIR 23.10.2024 22.10.2028
Foundation DBE Dawn Sparks 01.06.2023 31.05.2027
Foundation DBE Steve Bond 04.09.2024 03.09.2028
Foundation DBE Sam Smith 21.11.2024 20.11.2028
Foundation PCC Liz Openshaw 10.10.2023 09.10.2027
Foundation PCC Cathy Dakin  10.10.2023 09.10.2027
Foundation PCC Julia Powell 27.11.2021 26.11.2025
Foundation Ex Officio Rev Andrew Hobbs 25.05.2022 n/a
Parent Governor Jack Hobbs 08.01.2025 07.01.2029
Parent Governor Kate McGarry 01.01.2024


Staff Governor Sophie Rowan 01.10.2022


LA Governor Eleanor Hotham 08.01.2025


Head Fran Barnes 01.09.2018


Associate Governor with Financial Skills    Ian Kirby

Associate Governor as Link to Barnt Green Parish Council   Olivia Pardo Roques.

Governors' declared interests: 2023-242022-232021-22, 2020-21, 2019-20

If you have a complaint please follow the complaints policy

If you wish to make suggestions or have queries please contact the Chair via

Public Sector Equality Duty

As a school we recognise that a diversity of thought, voices and perspectives is essential to good governance and the effective running of any organisation. We regularly collect diversity information from our governors and, depending on current data, can use this to:
➢ target recruitment to address gaps in experience and diversity 
➢ develop and adapt board practices to ensure full participation 
➢ prioritise training and awareness-raising in identified areas 
➢ address potential ‘blind spots’ through seeking wider advice and perspectives on current and upcoming opportunities, challenges and risks 
 However, we are unable to publish this information as it would mean that individual members of our governing body are identifiable.

 Minutes of Meetings

The Governing Body believes that there should be transparency of its workings and decisions.

The final approved minutes from any Full Governing Body Meeting can be requested by emailing the Clerk on

FGB Attendance Records

2022 to 2023

2021 to 2022

2020 to 2021

2019 to 2020 

2018 to 2019

2017 to 2018

Governor Expenses Policy