We will reach our full potential with the help of God
Accountability: what is it?
St Andrew's receives money from the Department for Education via Worcestershire County Council (WCC) each year to provide an education for all our pupils.
To ensure that this money is well spent and that the needs of all pupils are being met, schools are held to account by:
1) Periodic inspections by the Government (Ofsted) and the Diocese (SIAMS).
2) Annual submission of statutory reports for eg disadvantaged groups and Key Data about achievement (ie each pupil's academic attainment and how much progress they make each year)
3) Termly scrutinization and challenge by the Governors.
Our Christian ethos in our Vision and Values ensures that both staff and Governors take their accountability to the pupils very seriously. These reports aren't just produced because they have to be - but because the team at St Andrew's cares enormously about whether they are doing the very best they can. We are continually looking to improve.
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